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Human Services

When Helping People Can Become Your Career

This cluster focuses on helping individuals learn. From youth to displaced or unemployed employees, your ability to train empowers others to succeed.

You could teach in the public sector (schools or government agencies) or in the private sector (businesses).

Like all the other career fields, human services requires hard skills (knowledge and ability) coupled with soft skills (communication, presence, compassion) in order to succeed.

The majority of the careers in the Human Services career field do not require four-year degrees. You can pursue a well paying career in your field of interest with hands-on training, certifications, and/or 2-year degrees from local community colleges. This means you will enter your career sooner!

Careers in this field

Career Entry Level Experienced
Childcare Worker $23,000 $41,000
Social Worker $27,000 $65,000
Public School Teacher $35,000 $65,000
Librarian $40,000 $65,000
Fundraiser $45,000 $75,000
Corrections Officer $50,000 $79,000

These are just a few careers that you can purse in this field.

*Estimates based on salary expert.com using Marshall, MN as a reference.

Clusters in this field

  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  • Human Services
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Education & Training

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